Sunday, September 26, 2010

I don't feel like it

Been busy lately (again). Sorry for not posting anything after my hiatus. I was kinda bugged out or something. I can't even finish my 30 Day challenge! Fgs, I don't know how many days I've missed already!!

I have thoughts on relinking because doodle-works doesn't sound so personal anymore. It's not so me. I want something connected to me. Well, I've thought about the name but I'm not spilling it out yet coz I'm not sure yet. And it sounds funny too. I've thought about the name since the last few months, I think it's a bit strange actually.

I hate this blogskin, it's just not it. Know what I mean? Yeah, that's why I hail September as the 'Fivi is unsatisfied' month. Just sucks.

If I'm not able to post updates again, well I'm really sorry. Today my life is just unstable and maybe doodle-works will fly out of nowhere.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back from outer space.

Sorry for being on hiatus last time! I didn't know what to do with my layout so I was freaking out.

I kinda drifted my thoughts away from blogging and concentrated on school and anime. I started watching Soul Eater and it got me so addicted. They don't have the usual bishie characters but daaaaaaaang Soul Eater's voice is freakin' hot!

I'm gonna continue my daily challenge tomorrow if I can. I still have to study math grr. I swear now I'm going to concentrate on the plot itself but I can't help imagining the canon pairings!

Well anyway, I'm going to start updating again. Like doodle-works' new look? Comments are appreciated! Heee~♥

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 7 of the 30-DC

For more information about the challenge, click the image above.

I still have a test on my MASSCOMM subject later but here I am, blogging. I will blame you if I fail! LOL

I'm happy I'm able to update this. The AsuCaga sickness is attacking me again and so far, I'm not yet satisfied with what I'm seeing. I want real action between those two [Athrun and Cagalli]. I'm a big fan of Gundam Seed and Seed Destiny since I was in first year high school.

And I just recalled, it was Sasuke and Ino who brought me to the pairing. Ino and Cagalli had the same hair color and Sasuke and Athrun had the 'blue thing' running along.

So. I will answer the challenge now :)

Day 7
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

Above is the detailed cuts from the last part of the Gundam Seed Destiny Special Edition. This is enough to satisfy me I guess. This is the end so I kind of think they ended up together again. Right?!

It has the biggest impact on me because I have to admit, there was never a time that I never thought of them. I think they're just the best couple for the series because well, Kira and Lacus are duuuuh already.

Athrun is such a girl magnet that he couldn't focus on one but three! Ohmygosh!!

So there you have it, the AsuCaga pairing. They've been distracting me since yesterday because I passed by some debating forums about the end of them. LOL

See you at Day 8!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 6 of the 30-DC

For more information about the challenge, click the image above.

Another day of blogging (though it's kind of early right now). I'm posting this early because I fell asleep at 8:00PM last night. I wasn't able to finish the last 2 episodes of Maid-Sama daaarrn.

So before I start answering the challenge, let me tell you a tale about my stalker.

Yesterday afternoon, while riding the jeep home, some annoying guy kept on glancing at me. He was beside me and he kept on turning his head. I was like "Who is this? Why does he keep on looking at me? A thief?!". But he didn't look like one so it was out of the possible things.

I thought I knew him but I didn't! He wasn't even familiar at all! So I kinda ignored him for a bit though I was very cautious that moment.

When the jeep stopped at a certain mall, there were only 5 passengers left (me, the suspicious looking guy, a mother and her son and an elementary student.) I was surprised when the guy talked to me! He was about my age I guess.

Him: Miga, ano ngalan mo? ("Miga"--► a friendly term to call a girl you don't know. What's your name?)
Me: Eh? *stares*...*thinks* ---I remembered the headline on the newspaper that said 'Don't talk to strangers'--I didn't reply LOL
Him: *disappointed because he got no reply at all O.O*
Me: *kept on staring*
Him: Balay nyu tu sa ^&%&$%^%*^(I didn't understand that part T_T) noh? (You're house is at ^&%&$%^%*^, right?)
Me: *WTF did he say?!* Eh?
Him: Abi ko ikaw to. Diin balay nyo sa Alijis haw? (I thought it was you. Where do you live in Alijis--►our place in Bacolod)
Me: *Darn I just can't tell him where I live!!* *thinks*...
Me: 모르겠어요! (Korean. Meaning I don't know!)
Me: あなたは誰ですか? (Japanese. Meaning Who are you?)
Him: *dumbfounded* *WTF did she say?!*---I guess he was thinking about things like that.

He turned away because he didn't get what I said. I was surprised actually, because the words just came out of my mouth the moment my mind went blank. I've been studying Korean and Japanese simultaneously that they kinda get mixed up sometimes.

When I got down (is my verb right? gosh it's hard to translate!!!) from the jeep, someone also followed. I quickly took my mirror and pretended to look at it---though it was very obvious I was making it my spy mirror LOL.

He was there!! He was freakin' following meee!! I didn't know what to do anymore so I walked as fast as I can that I could imagine my trails flaming behind me!

I opened the gate and slammed the door close when I got home. Sheesh. I don't want to go out of the house anymore!

Okay. Enough of that!

Day 6
Day 06 - Favorite super hero and why.

Spongebob Squarepants is my favorite superhero!! He may not be a real superhero but he just saves my stressful day! He's my painkiller and my stress-reliever. Every time I'm bored, I always watch Spongebob Squarepants and laugh at his naughtical nonsense.

I love the way he laughs and the way he talks. His expressions are just so funny but with those, he expresses his feelings well. I wanna do that too! LOL

He's got Patrick to be his sidekick too! Yayy for Spongebob!


My tale is longer than my challenge! Haha! Stay tuned for Day 7!! ♥

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 5 of the 30-DC

For more information about the challenge, click the image above.

Loving my daily life today. No pressures and other activities to keep me busy!! But I got one bad news from my History teacher. He said that for the Finals, the coverage of our exam will be from everything that we've taken up since Prelims. Sooo sad :'(

But it's okay, I think I can handle it. So let's put that aside for a while and read the challenge for the 5th day.

Day 5
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been to.

The only place outside the city that I visited during summer.

Well of course, I passed by Iloilo to accompany Dee during her enrollment but I guess that doesn't count.

Boracay is one of the hottest travel destinations in the Philippines attracting thousands of foreign travelers every season.(boracayph) Leisure activities available on Boracay include scuba diving, snorkeling, windsurfing, kiteboarding and beach relaxation. (wiki)

Heee~♥. This year is my 3rd time coming there. Most of my summer vacations are spent in dance studios LOL. Stay tuned for Day 6!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 4 of the 30-DC

For more information about the challenge, click the image above.

Fairly mundane today. Didn't do anything in school but listen to my teachers blah blah blah...

It's our Finals and we've got one month to discuss about stuff. Boredom alert! Good thing my classes are only in the morning. So here I am, hanging out with you again. Isn't that fun?

I'm gonna update for Day 4 of the 30-Day Challenge. Whoopeeee~!

Day 4
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have.

Not me. Just a picture. Hee

So...have you figured out the habit??? Nail Biting of course! This habit started a long time ago--I think I was still in elementary or something. I remember my teacher telling us that those who bite their nails have insecurities.

Guess she's right! Haha. I'm insecure...always insecure. I also found out that this shows anxiety towards something. Am I anxious...of what? LOL

So yeah, that's the habit I wish I didn't have. It just ruins the beauty of my nails and fingers. I tried to put on nail polish so that every time I'm tempted to nail-bite I would say 'omg don't kill my pretty nails!...

It's not that effective though..

Haha. Day 5 tomorrow~!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 3 of the 30-DC

For more information about the challenge, click the image above.

Day 3
Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends

This photo is from the Baby Boom Teachers' Gayo (Teachers' Day transformed into Inkigayo LOL) performance or our Goodbye Stage as the pioneering K-pop (fan)girl group in the High School Department. We have six members but the photo shows only the four of us. I just love looking at it. Haha.

There's Jane or Cham-cham (our manager), Judy (our Mandoo Sohee), Apriil--you know, the coffeemoonstar!! She's probably the only blogger I know irl. I'm over there *points to the side* heeeee :3

Yay! Passed Day 3!! Stay tuned for Day 4 and the following days!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 2 of the 30-DC

For more information about the challenge, click the image above.

Day 2 of the 30-DC comes with a blogskin accident. I was trying it on my test blog awhile ago when I decided to just try it on Doodle-Works and see how it looks. I totally forgot that the template was still on Doodle-Works and I suddenly clicked save template changes!

Huuuu. Guess I'm gonna stick with this for a while because I lost the whole template for the September skin. My backup was on my test blog but the test blog's template has been changed to this skin too. Silly silly silly meeee :'(

Anyhooo, here's Day 2 of my 30-DC.

Day 02- The meaning behind your Blogger name

I don't really get it though. But here goes.

If it asks for the meaning behind Fivi Min it's pretty simple. It's not my real name and it's actually a pen name. Some of you know my real name which is Phoebe. Whenever I hear different pronunciations of my real name, I think it's a bit nerdy to hear. I changed it to Fivi or Feevee because I like the V in it. LOL

About Doodle-Works, I have already explained this in my old layout a few months ago. I love doodling--or maybe scribbling because they're all words-- so I kinda relinked the 'tehrealthangz' blog to this one. Nothing more than that. There's no hidden meaning to it. ♥

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 1 of the 30-DC

For more information about the challenge, click the image above.

So, I'm going to start Day 1 today instead of next week because I have a lot of time to waste right now. My aunt's big box from Can just arrived so it's another good news, chocolate! :D

Anyway, here I go with Day 1 of the 30-Day Challenge or 30-DC for short.

Day 1
A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

Sorry for the weird expression on my face. This was taken around 11PM and I was so exhausted.

The Fifteen Feevee Facts

1.) I used to be an otaku, and I still am. I love Naruto more than any other anime (and manga) in the world.

2.) I have a Multiple Personality Disorder, three personalities to be exact. But it's not that serious.

3.) I am allergic to perfumes that every time the allergy strikes, I get a cold for one week + more days.

4.) My fashion style depends on the circumstances; sometimes it's j-rock gothic and the next it will be sophisticute.

5.) I don't like taking pictures of myself when I'm with a lot of people. But I do like taking pictures of another person in public. Haha.

6.) I am a frustrated singer. I am so into singing but daaaang, singing is just so not into me.

7.) I like Japanese school boys in dramas because they bring their bags like they're the coolest guys in the planet---I love the way they talk too!

8.) I lalalove Gothic Lolita and Visual Kei fashion. It may be scary but it's so awesooome.

9.) I speak a little Japanese (c/o Naruto and other anime series) and a little Korean (c/o my ambisyosaness).

10.) Pizza is my one and only favorite food. I can't live without it!

11.) I'm a K-pop and a J-rock fan simply because they're addictive and they inspire me in some ways.

12.) I love books---I mean, the love stories of pairings in books :D

13.) I'm spatial according to my English class and obsessive compulsive too.

14.) I'm a bit of a man hater, and I prefer more fem guys LOL I don't know why I have such taste, forgive me.

15.) I'm a bad girl, I'm a good girl, I'm human and I'm usually not myself.


Whew, that was a bit tough. I can't think of other interesting facts about me. Stay tuned for Day 2!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The U-Week Celebration

e are celebrating the U-Week again! It opened last September 6, 2010 and will end on September 10, 2010. Everyone is invited to come and join the festival though I have to say it's boring when you're not joining any U-Week activity.

We had the search for the next Mr. and Ms. UNO-R and my bet won! Congratulations to Cedric of CB&A and Riza of CoE.

Other candidates:

Info Tech




Business and Accountancy

Arts & Sciences


Unfortunately, our candidates from the Arts & Sciences did not win. But it's okay, we still have 3 more years to go! It was a really fun night and I went home very late.

I'm currently at home because I'm extremely bored at school. I have to log in by 8AM and log out at 11AM. I have to go back by 1PM and log out again at 4PM. Between those hours I'm doing nothing so I think it's best to stay at home. I don't really care if I miss the 'fun' coz I see and feel no fun at all.

The 30 Day Challenge will be starting next week by the way because my camera isn't with me at the moment. I'm so excited because it will be really fun!

That will be my updates for now!

And I've just noticed, a lot of linkless people aside from Noshiwa have been hanging around my cbox. Don't you just love breaking my rules?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Direct and Indirect

You see, I was expecting a happy chapter when the first days of September began. I wanted it to be filled with fun and excitement; food and friends. But I guess things don't always happen the way I want them too.

A few days ago, people---or nameless people---have been "telling" me that I'm such a "resourceful" person. I don't really care though, coz none of what they say is true, I suppose. I don't read minds so I don't know what they're thinking. I'm now trying to perfect the art of deadma, if you know what I mean.

Since the beginning of my "college" life, I've been feeling a little bit uneasy towards some people. I don't know how to describe them but they're a bit cold in some aspects. Of course, I'm aware that it's normal but sometimes I think there's something wrong---about me. What do they see in me? I couldn't ask them because I don't have the guts to do so. I'm not like the other people whom they "look up to". What I mean by indirect are their actions towards others. Maybe I'm just too insecure grrrrr. So meeeee. Stop eeet na!

Maybe I just have to accept things the way they are. We're not born to impress but to express, says Vice Ganda. We can't please everyone. There are those who will like you, there are those who will choose not too. Aigooo.

Too much emote here! I'd like to thank Luana for the lovely gift I received!

Also, I asked apriil's permission to copy her challenge because I find it fun too. It would also stop me from bashing annoying spammers so I guess that would be good. God, forgive me for my profanities.

The 30 Day Challenge:
•Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
•Day 02- The meaning behind your Blogger name
•Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
•Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
•Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
•Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
•Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
•Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
•Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
•Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
•Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
•Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
•Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
•Day 14- A picture of you and your family
•Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
•Day 16- Another picture of yourself (baby pic!)
•Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
•Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
•Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
•Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
•Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
•Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
•Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
•Day 24- A letter to your parents
•Day 25- What I would find in your bag
•Day 26- What you think about your friends
•Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
•Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
•Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
•Day 30- Who are you?


Whoa. That was long! I have to end here now. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving tags even if they're spams. At least you visit. LOL

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What happens after exams?

Nothing. I'm stuck at home doing absolutely nothing. I slept at about 3am last night (morning) because I was studying and at the same time reading chapter 508 of the Naruto manga. Unfortunately, in the middle of my "study session", the SasuIno fever attacked. I immediately opened notepad and started typing the thoughts coming out of my head--which added to the delay of my study schedule.

Because it was soooo late already, I decided to call it a day (since it was already a 'day') and went to bed. I woke up at 7am for my 8:00 Filipino exam the next day. Geez. I'm so sleepy right now.

I met my long lost brother cousin Mac-mac (lol sounds like something from Apple). He's a model and maaaan I'm so proud of myself..*cough* and him of course *cough*.

I was randomly googling for images when I found my ideal type! Well, it wouldn't be strange since it's my ideal type. And yes, I am a weirdo. But who wouldn't consider this hot?!

What do you think? Though he might be a little creepy I still think he's cool...and hot LOL. Credits to alientune of deviantart for the image.

I'm ending this post here. Have a good day, everyone!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

So many haters, so little time.

And they say life wouldn't be life without their existence. Guess that just adds to the popularity of a person. As the saying goes, "Idolized or despised, either way I'm recognized."

So, do you hate me that much? It's a really simple thing to do, darling.

Get a life too because hating me and telling the world how horrible I am isn't a LIFE worth living. Just being a good friend? Oh yeah, you really are a good one!

I don't have much time to entertain such people, but look, I'm appreciating your damn kindness of tattling. Gossip girl much? Know your enemy first. You don't know who you're messing with.

And by the way, I'm the only Fivi who owns doodle-works right? Of course, blogger wouldn't allow duplicates would it? Too bad tagboards aren't like our very own messenger. Too much lies will bring you to hell. And being just a good friend to some celebrity isn't an excuse when we talk about inferno. Let's see how you're going to sleep tonight. I hope you'll get good nightmares.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New look for the month of September!

Annyeong everyone! It's September now so here's Doodle-Works' new look! It's not really new though coz I was inspired by my old blog layout. I kinda combined them with the May or June layout and the August one so hahaha, it's recycled and redesigned.

Anyway, I'd like to thank you guys for making the Fivi Day a very successful celebration! Thanks for all the greetings and thanks to Fiona too for her wonderful present!

Doodle-Works would also like to thank @flowersandfun on twitter for the wonderful birthday card and TokyoPop for a surprise greeting! I wasn't expecting them!

It's exam week and I told you I'd be on hiatus but ohmigooosh what am I doing here?! I have three exams tomorrow and I'm still typing!! Stop me! Stop me!

I'll post more stuff soon! Expect lotsa fun on Doodle-Works this month coz September is the "no exam month". It will only be filled with extra curricular activities. Yayy!!

End here! Byeeee! ♥