Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 5 of the 30-DC

For more information about the challenge, click the image above.

Loving my daily life today. No pressures and other activities to keep me busy!! But I got one bad news from my History teacher. He said that for the Finals, the coverage of our exam will be from everything that we've taken up since Prelims. Sooo sad :'(

But it's okay, I think I can handle it. So let's put that aside for a while and read the challenge for the 5th day.

Day 5
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been to.

The only place outside the city that I visited during summer.

Well of course, I passed by Iloilo to accompany Dee during her enrollment but I guess that doesn't count.

Boracay is one of the hottest travel destinations in the Philippines attracting thousands of foreign travelers every season.(boracayph) Leisure activities available on Boracay include scuba diving, snorkeling, windsurfing, kiteboarding and beach relaxation. (wiki)

Heee~♥. This year is my 3rd time coming there. Most of my summer vacations are spent in dance studios LOL. Stay tuned for Day 6!

1 comment:

Sha said...

oh me too! i keep on busying myself every summer because it's boring. :)

i like the photo. i've never been to boracay though.