Thursday, September 9, 2010

The U-Week Celebration

e are celebrating the U-Week again! It opened last September 6, 2010 and will end on September 10, 2010. Everyone is invited to come and join the festival though I have to say it's boring when you're not joining any U-Week activity.

We had the search for the next Mr. and Ms. UNO-R and my bet won! Congratulations to Cedric of CB&A and Riza of CoE.

Other candidates:

Info Tech




Business and Accountancy

Arts & Sciences


Unfortunately, our candidates from the Arts & Sciences did not win. But it's okay, we still have 3 more years to go! It was a really fun night and I went home very late.

I'm currently at home because I'm extremely bored at school. I have to log in by 8AM and log out at 11AM. I have to go back by 1PM and log out again at 4PM. Between those hours I'm doing nothing so I think it's best to stay at home. I don't really care if I miss the 'fun' coz I see and feel no fun at all.

The 30 Day Challenge will be starting next week by the way because my camera isn't with me at the moment. I'm so excited because it will be really fun!

That will be my updates for now!

And I've just noticed, a lot of linkless people aside from Noshiwa have been hanging around my cbox. Don't you just love breaking my rules?


mace said...

whoah.. mukhang masaya ag event nyo ngayon ah!!~

ang gaganda nila.. at ang popogi!!~ ahehehe

Khay said...

Yay!! I agree! All of them are beautiful and handsome! yayy!